The following system-wide enhancements have been made to ConcentrixCX to enhance the user experience. These do not require any configuration.
- Advanced Filter Type-Ahead - ConcentrixCX will now allow a user to utilize type-ahead functionality when searching for a value within an advanced filter selection, similar to what users can currently utilize when filtering on pre-defined hierarchy filters.
The following bugs have been resolved. These do not require any configuration.
- Comments View – Append Variables - An issue was detected where text from random data elements that were appended in the comments view were showing outside of the specific area where they were to be shown. All data elements will now appear in their proper areas, when selected for appending to questions in the comments view.
- Responses by Question – Chart View - An issue was detected where the chart view would not render intermittently in the responses by question view. It will now render properly for all users and projects.
- Frontline Dashboard – Badge Display - An issue was detected where some badges on the frontline dashboard were not aligned properly within the designated area. All badges will now display properly within the frontline dashboard view.
- Manage Alerts – Erroneous Record Locking - An issue was detected where closed-loop alert records were becoming locked erroneously, when users would select “edit record,” but then cancel out of that screen without saving. This workflow will now release the lock of the record, so that it can be edited/worked in the future.