The following system-wide enhancements have been made to ConcentrixCX to enhance the user experience. These do not require any configuration.
Dashboard Views - Date Filtering The placement of the date drop down, has been relocated to the top right of the dashboard view. This allows for a unified location of the quick date filtering between the views. The functionality of this drop down hasn’t changed.
- The following dashboard views has been updated: Management, Executive, Loyalty & Effort, 13 Month, Issues Experienced and the Text Analytics
- The following dashboard views has been updated: Management, Executive, Loyalty & Effort, 13 Month, Issues Experienced and the Text Analytics
Dashboard Views – Key Metrics Trend – Buttons: The Bar and Line chart buttons have been updated and are now displaying as the following. The functionality of the toggle hasn’t changed
- Bar:
- Line:
- Bar:
Coaching – Manage Coaching – Coaching users prior to current month to date: We have added the ability to filter the records on the survey date of the VOC results. Previously, users weren’t able to apply a filter on the manage coaching screen to get verbatims from a different range other than Month to Date. We have expanded this to allow for utilization via:
Quick Date Buttons
Filter Drawer
This will allow for managers to coach frontline agents on any time period available either in the pre-configured quick-date button options, or the calendar option located in the filter drawer. Once a date range has been selected, the recommended topics will now be based on the filtered date range. The default time period applied will remain month-to-date.
- Data Export - Exporting Other Specify responses: When exporting an Other Specify response from the Data Export Tool, the data in the export was displaying incorrectly. This has been fixed and now the proper responses for the associated Other Specify are displayed correctly.
- Note: if the Other Specify is a multi-punch response, then the responses are separated using a semi-colon.
- Individual Survey Details – Export: When exporting to CSV or Excel from the Individual Survey Details, if a question had multi-punch answers only the last answer was displayed in the output. This has been fixed, so that now multiple answers will be separated using a semi-colon.
- Dashboard Views – Key Metrics Trend – Details drill through: When selecting the details button from the Key Metrics Trend while on the Line View, this led to a page not found. This has been fixed and the details drill to the proper configured view.
- Crosstab Metrics – UI cleanup: From the Chart view, when selecting the primary selector, the box overlaps with the secondary selector. This has been cleaned up for proper placement.