The following fixes were completed to ConcentrixCX Mobile to help improve the user experience.
Custom Date Filters
- When a custom data filter is selected, these filters will remain applied when switching between views Prior to this bug being fixed, the custom filters were dropping when users would switch from view to view.
Quick Date Filters
- When applying a quick date filter, the filter icon will display as highlighted to indicate that a filter has been applied.
Custom Date Filters
Saved Favorites are now consistently displaying in the favorite list.
When applying a favorite filter, the filter icon will display as highlighted to indicate that a filter has been applied.
Previously, when saving a favorite filter with the same name as an existing favorite this would overwrite the filter contents. Users are unable to create a favorite with the same name.
Previously, when saving a favorite filter there wasn’t an acknowledgement that the filter was created. Now there is a success message that the filter has been created.