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Getting Started

How to access the Survey Builder Platform

Using the link provided by your administrator, login to the Survey Builder tool.

Getting Started

Once on the platform, navigate to the top left of your screen and click the ‘New Survey’ button to start creating your custom survey. 

Getting Started

Once in the survey, please use these items to reference tasks throughout the guide. Each survey contains a toolbox, a design surface, and a property panel. These are all tools that will help you customize your survey.

  • Toolbox: show full mode or compact by expanding the panel.
  • Design Surface: show the outline for the survey.
  • Property Panel: Provides the customizations of the survey.

**Refer to the Appendix with the List of Icons with Description for reference.

Getting Started

When creating a survey, you can customize unique details for each survey, page, and question according to your needs. To access and edit the property you wish to customize, first select the survey, page, or question you want to edit. Then, click the toggle icon in the top right of your screen to expand the property panel. This panel will adjust based on your current selection. There are three types of property details you can modify:

  • Survey Property: Select within the survey title area.
  • Page Property: Select within the page but not inside the question panel.
  • Question Property: Select within the question panel.

Getting Started

By keeping the property panel open, you can quickly customize the details for each property.  In the top right of your property panel, you will see the name of the property you are editing.  At the bottom right of each question, you will find three options when you hover over the section:

  • Duplicate: This replicates the question, allowing you to use it as a secondary question.
  • Required: When selected, this option requires the user to answer the question before proceeding to the next one. "Required" is set as the default. To disable this, simply click on the "Required" label.
  • Delete: This removes the whole question and answers.

To switch to another question type, hover over the question panel on the bottom left until a dropdown appears. Once the dropdown appears you can switch the question type.

Getting Started

How to Search from the Survey List

To find other surveys, navigate to the menu bar at the top left of your screen. Click the three horizontal lines also known as the hamburger icon, to reveal the menu options. To look through previous surveys built, select the Survey List option.  

Once you select Survey List, you will be presented with a list of surveys in varying statuses.

You can search by title, status, and type.  To search by Title, use the search bar at the top of the page and type in the survey title you wish to edit.  

To filter surveys by Status, select the status icon to determine which status you wish to search. By selecting each of these filter items you will narrow down the survey type dependent on their survey status.   

The status represents the current state of the survey. There are different status categories that indicate information as to where the survey is at. Below are the different statuses that the surveys can be categorized by:

  • New: Recently created survey.
  • Active: Survey is available for recipients, and they are participating in a survey.
  • Published: Survey is done being edited and ready to send to participants.
  • Closed: Survey has been completed and is no longer able for participation.
  • Unpublished: Currently in creation mode and not visible to recipients.
  • Archived: Once a survey is finished you can archive this survey to not be used.

The “Version” column shows the number of drafts created for that survey.  “Responses” column indicates the number of people who have participated in your survey. “Last Updated” column displays the most recent time the survey was modified. 

To continue to edit a survey, click the pencil icon on the right of the survey information. To continue to the survey dashboard, select the Dashboard Icon to go to Dashboard Report. For options to close, share, duplicate, collaborate, or delete a survey, use the Ellipsis Icon.

Getting Started