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Radio Button

Create a Radio Button Question

The Radio Button Group questions is a multiple-choice question. To create a Radio Button Group, navigate to the icon menu on the left of your screen and select the target icon.

Once in the Radio Button Group, navigate to the question block and type in your question where it states to ‘Please enter question here’. To create your question, select the text within the question to edit. Once the question is complete click outside of the question segment to save your proposed question.

  • To create your multiple-choice answers, select each item to rename the answers. Select outside of the answer text to save the answer. To edit the answers, select the text you wish to correct and retype your answer.
  • You can delete the multiple-choice answers by selecting the red minus icon on the left of the item line to remove the segment.

General Options

At the bottom of your survey box, there are three options on the bottom right:

  • Duplicate: This replicates the question to be used as a secondary question.
  • Required: When selected, this forces the user to complete the question before moving to the next survey question.
  • Delete: This deletes the whole question and answers.

To add additional answers, navigate to your Survey Settings by selecting the control icon at the top of your screen or by selecting the arrow point at the line icon to expand the settings. You then select the ‘Choice Options’ dropdown, once in the choice options, select the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen to add an additional answer to the question.

NOTE: for more options make sure your Survey Settings is open to customize the question further, head to the Survey Settings and select the ‘Choice Options’ drop down. This allows you to edit, delete and generate answers via AI.